Our graphic language.

Transformative and organic, drawn from the elements of water with science and nature to ground its form.

A wholly adaptable language, used at small and large scales. Endless variations to mimic the flow and adaptive nature of water itself. A series of water droplets, coined waterlets, that together form the backbone of our IWMI brand.

Stage one: our waterlets

We have two types of waterlets: Macros and Micro. Take one of each (always use a crop of a macro shape, never show the full element) to create one of the following compositions.

Stage two: composition

The above compositions are here to provide a guideline and should not be restricting. Always use two waterlets from the above list (stage one), one solid and one gradient, they can be used at any size and position. This ensures our brand remains fluid and maintains an organic look and feel, without becoming too constrained.

Stage three: secondary elements

In addition to the standard compositions, for more variation we have a selection of secondary elements to add another layer of texture and depth. Paired with our colour palette, this treatment can be implemented to provide a further level of flexibility.

Stage four: purpose/user

Dependent on the audience and purpose, our brand is built to flex from a more minimal and clean look to a layered and full design. The scale below uses a number of our publication examples to show how this should be applied, with the user always in mind.

For more examples of our publications please visit our publications page.

End user

Functional / Smart
Emotional / Accessible

Scroll to view

A reduced colour palette:

A single gradient + dark blue outline (secondary element)

Use of the full colour palette:
Dark blue solid + any gradient
Use of the full brand:
Any colour solid or image + any gradient + texture (secondary element)

All our brand elements can be downloaded here, please adhere the above guidelines and if you have any queries, please contact the brand team iwmi-comms@cgiar.org


These files are available only to CKM staff.
Please complete this form and send to iwmi-publications@cgiar.org to begin your request.