Our colours.
A refined colour palette with splashes of vibrant tones, born from the natural elements that IWMI works with.

Using colours found from water, land and nature; our colour palette embodies the elements that we work with on a daily basis. Both primary and secondary colours work to complement each other well and help complete our brand. Used to highlight in areas we want to stand out, or to blend in and complement when appropriate.

Primary colours

Dark Blue

PMS 2945
CMYK 90 64 28 13
RGB 40 83 125
HEX 28537D

Light Blue

PMS 2381
CMYK 71 40 0 0
RGB 80 136 198
HEX 5088C6

Sky Blue

PMS 2985
CMYK 66 2 16 0
RGB 70 187 212

Secondary colours


PMS 7712
CMYK 79 19 33 3
RGB 2 151 166
HEX 0297A6


PMS 2416
CMYK 76 0 65 0
RGB 34 173 122


PMS 166
CMYK 3 69 84 0
RGB 232 105 51
HEX E86933


PMS 129 U / 130 C
CMYK 11 48 100 2
RGB 221 145 3
HEX DD9103

Light Grey

PMS 649
CMYK 11 8 9 0
RGB 232 231 231

Gradient combinations

The above gradient combinations are created using the IWMI colour palette and Adobe Illustrator’s Freeform Gradient feature. Please refer to the colour breakdown above if you wish to create your own designs. These gradients and its application to each of our waterlets have been predefined and available to download as part of our graphic language guide.

Colour usage

Our colour palette should be used flexibly to cater for the different audiences and needs. The scale below can be used as a guide to help choose the correct colours with brand expression and tone in mind. E.g. for material under ‘Academia’, such as research reports or working papers, a limited colour palette within the primary colours should be chosen. At the other end of the spectrum, for example brochures under ‘End user’, brighter colours may be used, such as orange or yellow.

End user

Functional / Smart
Emotional / Accessible

Scroll to view

It should be noted that the number of colours used from the above colour palette be well considered. The IWMI brand must not feature too many colours at a single time, or it may be of risk in detracting from the content. It is advised that in most instances only two colours may be used in combination, on a grey/white background – a gradient is treated as a colour. This rule is made an exception for graphs and charts, or when using secondary brand elements.

The full colour palette can be downloaded here, please adhere the above guidelines and if you have any queries, please contact the brand team iwmi-comms@cgiar.org


These files are available only to CKM staff.
Please complete this form and send to iwmi-publications@cgiar.org to begin your request.